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חיפושדלג על חיפוש
תוכן מרכזי בעמודדלג על תוכן מרכזי בעמוד

פרסומים מדעיים

Tsur A
Le test de Flack comme critere de comparaison entre les sportifs the competition, les sportifs amateurs et les non-sportifs.
Cinesiologie. 139: 223-6, 1991.

Tsur A, Sazbon L, Lotem M
Influence of muscle tone and force on ossification processes in postcomatose patients.
Harefuah. 123: 86-9, 1992.

Tsur A
Problems orthopediques rencontres chez les nageurs israeliens faisant partie de l’equipe nationale.
Medecine du Sport. 67: 64-6, 1993.

Ring H, Tsur A, Vashdi Y
Late evolution of gleno-humeral malalignment in hemiplegia: A clinical – radilogical – electromyographic follow-up.
European Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 3: 137-140, 1993.

Tsur A, Sazbon L, Lotem M
Relationship between muscular tone, movement and periarticular new bone formation in postcoma-unaware (PC-U) patients.
Brain Injury. 10: 259-262, 1996.

Tsur A, Solzi P
Cervical spine movements in hemiparetic patients.
Brain Injury. 10: 697-701, 1996.

Tsur A, Glass I, Solzi P
Un effort dynamique et la transmission neuromusculaire.
Journal de Readaptation Medicale. 16: 26-9, 1996.

Tsur A, Gillson S
Brachial biceps tendon injuries in young female high-level tennis player.
Croatian Medical Journal.  41: 184-5, 2000.

Motin M, Streifler J, Tsur A, Ring H
Diagnosis and therapy in acute stroke: a rehabilitation center viewpoint.
Harefuah. 140: 1-4, 2001.

David R, Shtarker H, Horesh Z, Tsur A, Soudry M
Arthrodesis with the Ilizarov device after failed knee arthroplasty.
Orthopedics  24: 33-36, 2001.

Tsur A, Glass Y, Solzi P
Exhausting fatigue influences F-wave and peripheral conduction velocity, following lumbar radiculopathy.
Disability and Rehabilitation. 24: 647-53, 2002.

Talmud J, Tsur A, Yarom J
Comportement des sportifs israeliens vis a vis du tabac.
Cinesiologie 42: 97-100, 2003.

Tsur A
Reasons for failure in gait rehabilitation after stroke, hip fracture and lower limb amputation.
Harefuah 143: 103-105, 2004.

Tsur A
Simple imaging technique for fitting a below the knee first-time prosthesis.
IMAJ 6: 713-714, 2004.

Tsur A
Epidemiology of falls among stroke patients hospitalized in a rehabilitation unit: a three years survey.
Harefuah 144: 89-91, 2005.

Tsur A, Ring H
Axillary’s nerve conduction changes in hemiplegia.
Journal of Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury 2008, 3:26

Tsur A, Loberant N
Strength training helps us to discover calcified tendonitis in the shoulder.
Medicina Sportiva 13(3): 183 – 185, 2009.

Bronner G, Elran E, Schachter B, Lavee S, Galin A, Raviv G
Contribution of psychosexual approach to assessment and treatment of sexual dysfunction: a working model.
Harefuah 148: 595 – 599, 2009.

Galin A, Bronner G, Raviv G
Model approach for evaluation and treatment of men with premature ejaculation.
Harefuah 148: 620 – 624, 2009.

Case Reports
Tsur A, Shahin S
Suprascapular neuropathy in a basketball player.
Harefuah. 133: 190-2, 1997.

Tsur A, Shahin R
Bilateral upper brachial plexopathy after E. Coli sepsis.
Israel Journal of Medical Sciences. 133: 687-9, 1997.

Tsur A, Volpin G
IMAJ. 2: 944-5, 2000.

Tsur A, Galin A, Kogan L, Loberant N
Morel-Lavallee syndrome after crush injury.
Harefuah 145:111-3, 2006.

Tsur A
Cyclisme de competition après operations aux deux hanches.
Cinesiologie. 46:17-9, 2007

Tsur A
Common peroneal neuropathy in patients after first-time stroke.
IMAJ. 9:866-9, 2007.

Review papers

Tsur A, Ring H
Bilateral facial palsy of peripheral origin.
The Family Physician. 17: 167-9, 1989.

Mann G, Isakov E, Frankl U, Matan Y, Finsterbush A, Yarom Y, Tsur (written Zur) A
Increased use of drugs in sports.
Harefuah. 119: 75-82, 1990.

Tsur A
Sports activity in rehabilitation of the disabled.
The Family Physician. 19: 48-54, 1991.

Tsur A
Pathophysiology of swimmer’s shoulder and breaststroker’s knee.
Harefuah. 125: 481-3, 1993.

Tsur A
Common peroneal nerve entrapment in sportsmen.
Israel Journal of Sports Medicine. 2: 164-5, 1994.

Tsur A
Lesion du nerve sus-scapulaire chez les sportifs.
Medecine et Hygiene. 53: 1552-3, 1995.

Tsur A
Javelin elbow.
Harefuah. 129: 143-4, 1995.

Soudry M, Tsur A
Knee instability in sportsmen due to anterior cruciate ligament tear.
Harefuah. 130: 863-7, 1996.

Tsur A
Reasons for lower abdominal and groin pain in competitive sportsmen.
Sikumada 22: 9-11, 2004.

Tsur A
Rehabilitation of sports injuries.
Aurora: 53-57, 2004.

Tsur A
Cycling after operation for total hip or total knee replacement.
Harefuah. 145: 923-5, 2006.


Letter to the editor:
Tsur A
Reasons for lower abdominal and groin pain in competitive sportsmen.
Harefuah 143: 456, 2004.

Tsur A, Volpin G, Shtarker H, Daniel M
Utilizzazione di fissatori esterni per facilitare la riabilitazione in fratture del bacino e degli arti inferiori.
Europa Medicophysica. 39 (suppl.): 207, 2003.

Physical Education and Sports Journals:

Tsur A
Flack test as a method to compare competitive to non-competitive sportsmen.
Agid. The Zinman College for Physical Education and Sport in Wingate Institute.      3: 184–7, 1986.

Tsur A
Pubic symphysitis in fottball players.
Assif: On Sport Sciences. Wingate Institute for Physical Education and Sports.          3: 35–46, 1986.

Tsur A
Sports activity and women’s health.
Olam Haritza. 29: 5-8, 1987.

Tsur A
Ergogenic aids for physical fitness improvement.
The Physical Education and the Sport. 6: 6-11, 1987.

Tsur A
Shin splint.
Olam Haritza. 91: 22, 1999.

Tsur A
Deep friction massage.
Olam Haritza 95: 23, 2000.

Tsur A
Achilles tendinopathy in athlets.
Olam Haritza. 109: 46, 2002

Tsur A
Tennis Shoes.
The Physical Education and the Sport. 58(6): 14 – 17, 2003.

Tsur A
Problems in walk for sport's activity among third age people.
Olam Haritza. 141: 44-45, 2009


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